Moore’s original formulation referred to transistors per area per dollar, yes. However, the same exponential growth has been seen in, for example, memory per dollar, storage per dollar, CPU cycles per second per dollar, and several others; and the phrase “Moore’s Law” has come to encompass these other doublings as well.
If it’s about all of these things, it doesn’t seem very useful to say it’s broken down if it only stops working in one of these areas and continues in the others.
Moore’s original formulation referred to transistors per area per dollar, yes. However, the same exponential growth has been seen in, for example, memory per dollar, storage per dollar, CPU cycles per second per dollar, and several others; and the phrase “Moore’s Law” has come to encompass these other doublings as well.
If it’s about all of these things, it doesn’t seem very useful to say it’s broken down if it only stops working in one of these areas and continues in the others.