It might be worth thinking harder about what work the words ‘soul’ and ‘supernatural’ are doing here.
After all, in the real world, it is certainly possible to exchange time and money for powers that not everybody has—greater physical prowess, for example, or wealth, or status, or various abilities conveyed by technology. Some of those powers are illegal for individuals to possess, some are not. Some are highly regulated, some are not. Mostly the dividing line seems to be based on what the power lets one do, although there are various inconsistencies mostly due to historical reasons.
It might be worth thinking harder about what work the words ‘soul’ and ‘supernatural’ are doing here.
After all, in the real world, it is certainly possible to exchange time and money for powers that not everybody has—greater physical prowess, for example, or wealth, or status, or various abilities conveyed by technology. Some of those powers are illegal for individuals to possess, some are not. Some are highly regulated, some are not. Mostly the dividing line seems to be based on what the power lets one do, although there are various inconsistencies mostly due to historical reasons.