Sure, there’s going to be a strong selection effect, most people aren’t going to publish their really unpopular opinion, what I find more surprising is that so many people post opinions that they should know aren’t really unpopular, like
addicts shouldn’t go to mansions/nice places to recover while cancer patients have to sit in a hospital room
(seriously, who’s going to disagree with that? Some people might say “that doesn’t happen”, or “this is taking some edge cases to muddle the pciture”, but I don’t expect many saying “I’m fine with that happening”)
I would have expected more people who post things that are unpopular in many circles but not in their clique (like “I think Gay Marriage is wrong”), or people posting “real” unpopular opinions if they don’t care or are sufficiently anonymous.
(seriously, who’s going to disagree with that? Some people might say “that doesn’t happen”, or “this is taking some edge cases to muddle the pciture”, but I don’t expect many saying “I’m fine with that happening”)
Personally, comrade, I think we need not 1 mansion for cancer patients, but 50 mansions!
Sure, there’s going to be a strong selection effect, most people aren’t going to publish their really unpopular opinion, what I find more surprising is that so many people post opinions that they should know aren’t really unpopular, like
(seriously, who’s going to disagree with that? Some people might say “that doesn’t happen”, or “this is taking some edge cases to muddle the pciture”, but I don’t expect many saying “I’m fine with that happening”)
I would have expected more people who post things that are unpopular in many circles but not in their clique (like “I think Gay Marriage is wrong”), or people posting “real” unpopular opinions if they don’t care or are sufficiently anonymous.
I think you take all this at face value, while you really should be looking at the meta-game since that’s what most people are playing.
Personally, comrade, I think we need not 1 mansion for cancer patients, but 50 mansions!