There’s another category, necessary truths. The deductive inferences from premises are not susceptible to disproof.
Thus, the categories for this theory of truthful statements are: necessary truths, empirical truths (“i-can-prove-it”), and “truth-and-i-can’t-prove-it.”
Generally, this categorization scheme will put most contentious moral assertions into the third category.
There’s another category, necessary truths. The deductive inferences from premises are not susceptible to disproof.
Thus, the categories for this theory of truthful statements are: necessary truths, empirical truths (“i-can-prove-it”), and “truth-and-i-can’t-prove-it.”
Generally, this categorization scheme will put most contentious moral assertions into the third category.
Agreed except for your non-conventional use of the word “prove” which is normal restricted to things in the first category.