65% of participants who completed The 45 Days to Awakening Challenge and Experiment persistently awakened.
Another couple hundred people entered the program already in a place of Fundamental Wellbeing...”
Sounds like he’s defining enlightenment as something that ~50% of people already experience.
Elsewhere he describes ‘Location 1’ enlightenment as a background sense of okayness that doesn’t include any kind of non-dual experience and can be interrupted by negative thoughts and emotions.
I can believe that people agreeing with a statement like ‘underneath everything I feel that I’m fundamentally okay’ might be measuring something psychologically important – but it isn’t what most people mean when they use words like enlightenment or persistently awakened.
(P.S. thanks for writing this up and really happy that you got so much from the loving-kindness meditation!)
From his sales page
Sounds like he’s defining enlightenment as something that ~50% of people already experience.
Elsewhere he describes ‘Location 1’ enlightenment as a background sense of okayness that doesn’t include any kind of non-dual experience and can be interrupted by negative thoughts and emotions.
I can believe that people agreeing with a statement like ‘underneath everything I feel that I’m fundamentally okay’ might be measuring something psychologically important – but it isn’t what most people mean when they use words like enlightenment or persistently awakened.
(P.S. thanks for writing this up and really happy that you got so much from the loving-kindness meditation!)