As part of my work I have to pronounce a lot of names and other uncommon/specialized words. More often than not this turns out to be hard.
This is quite time-consuming because of things like:
People trimming off or omitting introductions from speeches, TED talks, podcasts etc.
The scourge of machine-generated SEO-bait websites and YouTube channels with incorrect pronunciations flooding the internet with noise.
Even when they get it right:
This guy (headphone warning, try to guess the timestamp when he finally says it)
People sometimes being confidently wrong in their podcasts etc. (guilty...)
People with interesting names often not particularly caring about, or just being resigned to, mispronunciations.
I’m going to maintain and regularly add to a list here of pronunciations for key names and concepts relevant to LW and its extended ecosystem. Hopefully this will be a useful resource for anyone creating audio content, giving talks, interviews etc. Maybe check here first before wading into Google.
Feel free to comment with corrections and suggested additions.\
Apotropaic - æp.ə.trəˈpeɪ.ɪk
Aviles—a VEE lays
Bear Braumoeller—Beer BROW-mewlla
Bernal—ber NAHL
Brower—like eyebrow
Carnot cycle—Approximately French kaʁno—CARno
Char-RNN - -CAR arr enn enn
Compute (noun) - Com-PUTE‘how much comPUTE would it take to brute-force this?’
COP 21 - ‘cop’ 21 (not initials), ‘cop’ like ‘copper’
Dag Hammarskjöld—Here are some native speakers. Darg Hammerheld/Hammerhold/Hammer-hyeld. Roll the r if you’re fancy.
The Problem[1]
As part of my work I have to pronounce a lot of names and other uncommon/specialized words. More often than not this turns out to be hard.
This is quite time-consuming because of things like:
People trimming off or omitting introductions from speeches, TED talks, podcasts etc.
The scourge of machine-generated SEO-bait websites and YouTube channels with incorrect pronunciations flooding the internet with noise.
Even when they get it right:
This guy (headphone warning, try to guess the timestamp when he finally says it)
People sometimes being confidently wrong in their podcasts etc. (guilty...)
People with interesting names often not particularly caring about, or just being resigned to, mispronunciations.
I’m going to maintain and regularly add to a list here of pronunciations for key names and concepts relevant to LW and its extended ecosystem. Hopefully this will be a useful resource for anyone creating audio content, giving talks, interviews etc. Maybe check here first before wading into Google.
Feel free to comment with corrections and suggested additions.\
Apotropaic - æp.ə.trəˈpeɪ.ɪk
Aviles—a VEE lays
Bear Braumoeller—Beer BROW-mewlla
Bernal—ber NAHL
Brower—like eyebrow
Carnot cycle—Approximately French kaʁno—CARno
Char-RNN - -CAR arr enn enn
Compute (noun) - Com-PUTE ‘how much comPUTE would it take to brute-force this?’
COP 21 - ‘cop’ 21 (not initials), ‘cop’ like ‘copper’
Dag Hammarskjöld—Here are some native speakers. Darg Hammerheld/Hammerhold/Hammer-hyeld. Roll the r if you’re fancy.
Duprex—doo PRAY
Dylan Hadfield-Menell—DIL-lan HADfield-menELL
Eleusinian—elle you SINny an
Eli Lifland—Ee -lye LIFF-lend
Eliezer Yudkowsky - Elly EZzer Yood (rhymes wood) - COW—ski
Esfandiary—ESS fan diYAHri (based on the Persian pronunciation)
Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications (ELSI) - EL-see
Eudaemonia—you-da-MOAN-ia (you da man! no, you da man!)
Evan Hubinger—Evan HEW-bin-ger (as in germ)
FU YING (approximate pronunciation)- Foo (as in ‘foot’, don’t hang onto the vowel), Ying (as written, approximately.)
Stephan Guyenet—STEffen Geeyenay (hard g, rhymes with DNA)
IARPA—eye-ARPA (with the dipthong between syllables 1 and 2). ‘Ieyarpa.’
Igic—IGG itch
Jan Leike—Yarn Like-eh
Kareiva (Peter) - Ka-REEva
Mandarin (language) - MAN duh-ren (the last I is not sharp, the last syllable is weak.)
NeurIPS Conference—rhymes with europe’s conference or ‘new rips’ conference.
Piers Millett – Somewhere between ‘pierce’ and ‘peers’, muh-LETT
Sarewitz—sair (rhyme hair) uh wits
SARS CoV 2 - ‘sars KOH-vee two’
Savulescu—savoo LEscoo
Schlegeris - ? It’s either shLEG-ris or shLERRis, I’ve heard both, TODO
Seán Ó hÉigeartaigh - (yes) Shawn uh’HAY-ger-t(h)é
Selegiline—suh LEDGE uh lean
Vernor Vinge – VIN-djiy
Wassily Kandinsky—va·suh·lee kan·din·skee
Zhdanov - ˈʐdanəf
Test footnote