Actually now that I think of it a few non-paeloconservatives have taken such a stance. John Derbyshire’s (one of the writers at secular right) 2009 book was all about this:
To his fellow conservatives, John Derbyshire makes a plea: Don’t be seduced by this nonsense about “the politics of hope.” Skepticism, pessimism, and suspicion of happy talk are the true characteristics of an authentically conservative temperament. And from Hobbes and Burke through Lord Salisbury and Calvin Coolidge, up to Pat Buchanan and Mark Steyn in our own time, these beliefs have kept the human race from blindly chasing its utopian dreams right off a cliff.
Recently, though, various comforting yet fundamentally idiotic notions of political correctness and wishful thinking have taken root beyond the “Kumbaya”-singing, we’re-all-one crowd. These ideas have now infected conservatives, the very people who really should know better. The Republican Party has been derailed by legions of fools and poseurs wearing smiley-face masks.
Think rescuing the economy by condemning our descendents to lives of spirit-crushing debt. Think nation-building abroad while we slowly disintegrate at home. Think education and No Child Left Behind. . . . But don’t think about it too much, because if you do, you’ll quickly come to the logical conclusion: We are doomed.
Actually now that I think of it a few non-paeloconservatives have taken such a stance. John Derbyshire’s (one of the writers at secular right) 2009 book was all about this:
I so need to read this book.