‘… the “reign of Odinn” encompasses a host of ills, including a confused egalitarianism, the dynamism of totalitarian economies, a communism that panders to the masses (the socialist side of National Socialism), and a heroic anticapitalist morality. In contrast, the “reign of Mithothyn” stands for private property, precisely calibrated compensation, graduated distinctions, lineal inheritance, and the rule of law.’—Lincoln, “Theorizing Myth”
‘… the “reign of Odinn” encompasses a host of ills, including a confused egalitarianism, the dynamism of totalitarian economies, a communism that panders to the masses (the socialist side of National Socialism), and a heroic anticapitalist morality. In contrast, the “reign of Mithothyn” stands for private property, precisely calibrated compensation, graduated distinctions, lineal inheritance, and the rule of law.’—Lincoln, “Theorizing Myth”