First of all, the survey is excellent as it is. So I, too, merely suggest an addition.
I’d like to see added something about teaching / spreading rationality / proselytizing. My first idea would be something like: “Do you attempt to make others think more rationally?” with options on a spectrum from “no” and “I generally try to be the voice of reason in discussions” to something like “Many know me as an advocate for rationality”. Not sure about how to adress an online/offline divide.
First of all, the survey is excellent as it is. So I, too, merely suggest an addition.
I’d like to see added something about teaching / spreading rationality / proselytizing. My first idea would be something like: “Do you attempt to make others think more rationally?” with options on a spectrum from “no” and “I generally try to be the voice of reason in discussions” to something like “Many know me as an advocate for rationality”. Not sure about how to adress an online/offline divide.