I’d like to split the Gender:Other option into “I identify as a gender not listed here” and “I don’t identify as any particular gender”, as I’m curious how many other people have the latter view.
“roommates” is a bit of an americanism; I might phrase that as “with other people”. I’m kind of curious about the split between “with friends” and “with people I didn’t otherwise know”, but I can’t think of anything terribly useful to do with that.
I’d like a referral option for “Referred by other rationalist fiction (e.g. luminosity, friendship is optimal)”
For people who believe there is a large probability of catastrophe in the near future, conditioning on the singularity occurring leads to a misleadingly early prediction for when. I’m not particularly invested in this question, just flagging it up because I think my own answer will be misleading.
Suggested questions:
“How many academic or professional conferences did you attend during the last year?” 0/1/2/3/4+.
“Have you received any formal rationality training (CFAR workshops or similar)?” Y/N.
“At what age did you first receive formal, classroom-based education?” 0-2/3/4/5/6/7-9/10-14/15-18/18+/never.
“Which of these media do you spend at least an hour consuming in most months?” Anime/Western Comics(professionally published)/Fanfiction/Live-Action Movies/Literature (professionally published)/Live-Action TV/Manga/Music without vocals/Music with vocals/Dance, Opera or Theatre/Sports (live action)/Webcomics/Web-original literature/Web-original video (including e-sports)/Western animation. (checkboxes)
I’d like to split the Gender:Other option into “I identify as a gender not listed here” and “I don’t identify as any particular gender”, as I’m curious how many other people have the latter view.
“roommates” is a bit of an americanism; I might phrase that as “with other people”. I’m kind of curious about the split between “with friends” and “with people I didn’t otherwise know”, but I can’t think of anything terribly useful to do with that.
I’d like a referral option for “Referred by other rationalist fiction (e.g. luminosity, friendship is optimal)”
For people who believe there is a large probability of catastrophe in the near future, conditioning on the singularity occurring leads to a misleadingly early prediction for when. I’m not particularly invested in this question, just flagging it up because I think my own answer will be misleading.
Suggested questions:
“How many academic or professional conferences did you attend during the last year?” 0/1/2/3/4+.
“Have you received any formal rationality training (CFAR workshops or similar)?” Y/N.
“At what age did you first receive formal, classroom-based education?” 0-2/3/4/5/6/7-9/10-14/15-18/18+/never.
“Which of these media do you spend at least an hour consuming in most months?” Anime/Western Comics(professionally published)/Fanfiction/Live-Action Movies/Literature (professionally published)/Live-Action TV/Manga/Music without vocals/Music with vocals/Dance, Opera or Theatre/Sports (live action)/Webcomics/Web-original literature/Web-original video (including e-sports)/Western animation. (checkboxes)