I have always automatically done points (a) through (h).
I always attributed this to the fact that I had no identity with which to value particular opinions with. As impossible as I already know it is for anyone to accept, you have to let go of the idea that your opinions are even remotely correct. Not because your opinions are incorrect, but because you will not be able to effectively correct them until you accept that they could all be just outright blatantly wrong. But if I say it that way, you’ll try to retain as many of them as you can, which is wrong. You literally need to let go of the idea that you or the people around you know anything about anything at all. If it helps, pretend you’re in a simulation designed to help you cope with the fact that you’re now in a simulation. Pretend we’re all just participating in this simulation with you until you yourself accept that this could be a simulation and literally everything you know about logic and reason and physics could just be… Wrong.
I automatically do points (a) through (h).
I have always automatically done points (a) through (h).
I always attributed this to the fact that I had no identity with which to value particular opinions with. As impossible as I already know it is for anyone to accept, you have to let go of the idea that your opinions are even remotely correct. Not because your opinions are incorrect, but because you will not be able to effectively correct them until you accept that they could all be just outright blatantly wrong. But if I say it that way, you’ll try to retain as many of them as you can, which is wrong. You literally need to let go of the idea that you or the people around you know anything about anything at all. If it helps, pretend you’re in a simulation designed to help you cope with the fact that you’re now in a simulation. Pretend we’re all just participating in this simulation with you until you yourself accept that this could be a simulation and literally everything you know about logic and reason and physics could just be… Wrong.
Why should your first guess ever be likely to be correct or accurate?