The deciding factor there is likely to be biochemistry, not environment. Many people simply can’t be very productive late at night. They run into issues like caffeine crashes, as well as other biochemical fatigue causes that’re harder to identify.
Yup. I’m one of four new hires; two of us keep a relatively normal workday, one wakes up at 5 and does all his work in the morning, and one stays up and does all his work between 10 PM and 4 AM. (Thank goodness for academia.)
The deciding factor there is likely to be biochemistry, not environment. Many people simply can’t be very productive late at night. They run into issues like caffeine crashes, as well as other biochemical fatigue causes that’re harder to identify.
Yup. I’m one of four new hires; two of us keep a relatively normal workday, one wakes up at 5 and does all his work in the morning, and one stays up and does all his work between 10 PM and 4 AM. (Thank goodness for academia.)
Me, I suck at mornings. (I got out of bed at 2:00 PM today.)