Thanks so much for writing this great article! I’m new so for all of you this is an old hat. I want to add my 2ct anyways.
Do you agree with (a)-(h) above? Do you have some good heuristics to add? Do you have some good ideas for how to train yourself in such heuristics?
The above mentioned steps are the best system for progressing in life in general which I was able to find so far. I’ve read and applied lots of self-help in recent years and I can definitely agree that applying the theory is incredible hard (and I fail at that like >90% of all time—only very few things stick but those really are my superpowers in everyday life). Rewiring habits is really hard.
While I’ve seen them before this is the best summary I found in the internet so far. I’m definitely going to bookmark this!
I don’t know how other people do this but when I want to wire something in my brain I first need to research it. Then I sit down quietly together with pen and paper and I work through the concept until it feels natural to me. Most of the time this requires regular breaks and/or sleeping over weather I really like this and/or researching some more. Then, when I’m ready to make this part of my identity I append this to my Horizons of Focus Document. It’s a 15ish page document which I review semi-regularely (yeah it’s hard...).
Writing things down won’t make me apply it. Doing autosuggestive training makes me do things. I became good in math by performing autosuggestive training. And I became self-organized due to autosuggestive training. Please note that up to this point I haven’t read the core sequences and/or the “How to teach yourself” article yet. Tricking my brain into believing something through constant repeating (“autosuggestive training”) is the only tool which worked for me so far. I’m ready to hear your opinion on how to incorporate these steps into ones life!
Thanks so much for writing this great article! I’m new so for all of you this is an old hat. I want to add my 2ct anyways.
The above mentioned steps are the best system for progressing in life in general which I was able to find so far. I’ve read and applied lots of self-help in recent years and I can definitely agree that applying the theory is incredible hard (and I fail at that like >90% of all time—only very few things stick but those really are my superpowers in everyday life). Rewiring habits is really hard.
I can recommend The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business and Smarter Faster Better: The Secrets of Being Productive in Life and Business. They are both really good books.
While I’ve seen them before this is the best summary I found in the internet so far. I’m definitely going to bookmark this!
I don’t know how other people do this but when I want to wire something in my brain I first need to research it. Then I sit down quietly together with pen and paper and I work through the concept until it feels natural to me. Most of the time this requires regular breaks and/or sleeping over weather I really like this and/or researching some more. Then, when I’m ready to make this part of my identity I append this to my Horizons of Focus Document. It’s a 15ish page document which I review semi-regularely (yeah it’s hard...).
Writing things down won’t make me apply it. Doing autosuggestive training makes me do things. I became good in math by performing autosuggestive training. And I became self-organized due to autosuggestive training. Please note that up to this point I haven’t read the core sequences and/or the “How to teach yourself” article yet. Tricking my brain into believing something through constant repeating (“autosuggestive training”) is the only tool which worked for me so far. I’m ready to hear your opinion on how to incorporate these steps into ones life!