Please say “women” unless you are talking about female humans that have not reached adulthood.
That only one meaning of the word. If you look at websters, I think the meaning to which I’m refering here is: “c : a young unmarried woman”.
That’s the reference class that I talk about when I speak about flirtation. I don’t interact with a 60 year old woman the same way as I do with a young unmarried woman.
That only one meaning of the word. If you look at websters, I think the meaning to which I’m refering here is: “c : a young unmarried woman”.
That’s the reference class that I talk about when I speak about flirtation. I don’t interact with a 60 year old woman the same way as I do with a young unmarried woman.
Do women forget whether language has many layers of meaning besides communicating facts once they get married or grow old?
Unmarried women are more likely than whom to be aware of that? Than everyone else? Than unmarried men? Than married women? Than David_Gerald?