This is actually something of an upside. If you can afford to eat out with your friends you can afford to eat a bit better and have more fun. Not caring about what your food costs makes ordering and eating more fun.
If you can afford to eat out with your friends you can afford to eat a bit better and have more fun.
“If you can afford $X, you can afford $X+5” is a dangerous rule to live by, and terrible advice. Obscuring costs is not an upside unless you’re very sure that your reaction to them was irrational to begin with.
This is actually something of an upside. If you can afford to eat out with your friends you can afford to eat a bit better and have more fun. Not caring about what your food costs makes ordering and eating more fun.
“If you can afford $X, you can afford $X+5” is a dangerous rule to live by, and terrible advice. Obscuring costs is not an upside unless you’re very sure that your reaction to them was irrational to begin with.