Your emotions need to respond mildly to ordinary occurrences and more strongly to extraordinary occurrences; that’s one way to tell how well connected to the reality of things you are.
Why? Why should I respond mildly to ordinary occurrences? If I think an action (say, murder) is reprehensible, I will (or should) respond strongly to it no matter how common it is. If something is physically painful to me, I will respond strongly to someone who attempts to do it to me, no matter how ordinary it is. I don’t see why this shouldn’t also be true of emotional pain or discomfort.
I’m not sure what twist of thinking would allow you to classify murder as ordinary; There’s a rather marked difference between common and ordinary.
Similarly, assault is not ordinary.
One person socially approaching another is ordinary.
Emotional discomfort is ordinary. (not sure about emotional pain. But if you get into emotional pain just from being approached, yeah, you’ve got a problem.)
Though as a point of descriptive curiosity, the level of our emotional responses do actually seem to normalize against what we perceive is common. We need to take measures to counteract that in cases where what is common is not ordinary.
I’m not sure what twist of thinking would allow you to classify murder as ordinary;
I was speaking of a world in which it was more so.
There’s a rather marked difference between common and ordinary.
Um, OK? What is it? I’d respond to the rest of your comment, but I think it’s going to hinge on this.
If you’re not using ‘ordinary’ as a synonym for ‘common’, then how are you using it?
“CEV” would be the succinct explanation, but I don’t expect anybody to necessarily understand that,so..
If you could create a group of 7 non-extremist people randomly selected from the world population and they’d probably manage to agree that action X, even if not optimal, is a reasonable response to the situation, then X is an ordinary action to take.
(whether it’s a good action to take is a separate question. ordinariness is just about not containing any fatal flaws which would be obvious from the outside)
this depends entirely on the construction of the world’s population. If most people believe that torturing small animals and children for fun is reasonable, then I would definitely be reacting strongly to an ‘ordinary’ occurence.
[Edited to be less outraged]
Why? Why should I respond mildly to ordinary occurrences? If I think an action (say, murder) is reprehensible, I will (or should) respond strongly to it no matter how common it is. If something is physically painful to me, I will respond strongly to someone who attempts to do it to me, no matter how ordinary it is. I don’t see why this shouldn’t also be true of emotional pain or discomfort.
I’m not sure what twist of thinking would allow you to classify murder as ordinary; There’s a rather marked difference between common and ordinary. Similarly, assault is not ordinary. One person socially approaching another is ordinary. Emotional discomfort is ordinary. (not sure about emotional pain. But if you get into emotional pain just from being approached, yeah, you’ve got a problem.)
Though as a point of descriptive curiosity, the level of our emotional responses do actually seem to normalize against what we perceive is common. We need to take measures to counteract that in cases where what is common is not ordinary.
I was speaking of a world in which it was more so.
Um, OK? What is it? I’d respond to the rest of your comment, but I think it’s going to hinge on this. If you’re not using ‘ordinary’ as a synonym for ‘common’, then how are you using it?
“CEV” would be the succinct explanation, but I don’t expect anybody to necessarily understand that,so..
If you could create a group of 7 non-extremist people randomly selected from the world population and they’d probably manage to agree that action X, even if not optimal, is a reasonable response to the situation, then X is an ordinary action to take.
(whether it’s a good action to take is a separate question. ordinariness is just about not containing any fatal flaws which would be obvious from the outside)
this depends entirely on the construction of the world’s population. If most people believe that torturing small animals and children for fun is reasonable, then I would definitely be reacting strongly to an ‘ordinary’ occurence.
True, except for the quotes.