The ‘towards’ scopes over browsing LW, not the rest of the itemized list: ‘1. developing an ugh-fiend (towards browsing LW); 2. incorporating (and building a business with your new spare time); 3. getting paid (truckloads).’
Unambiguous mistake or ambiguous parallel construction? I agree w/ your parse, on grounds of the indisputable goodness of truckloads of money.
I didn’t misunderstand it when I read it initially, so I think latter.
The ‘towards’ scopes over browsing LW, not the rest of the itemized list: ‘1. developing an ugh-fiend (towards browsing LW); 2. incorporating (and building a business with your new spare time); 3. getting paid (truckloads).’
Unambiguous mistake or ambiguous parallel construction? I agree w/ your parse, on grounds of the indisputable goodness of truckloads of money.
I didn’t misunderstand it when I read it initially, so I think latter.