“I suspect why there’s not a lot of this sort of thing, though, is that most of the value is in compiling the information and very little of it is in the reading of it.”—I don’t expect that many people will get much value from this post if they simply read through it once. On the other hand, if they return to it a few times and scan through looking for techniques they haven’t tried or which they were doing and got out of the habit of doing and experiment with it, I expect that it would have a significant effect. This is much easier when you have it all in the one place, instead of spread across a large number of articles.
“I suspect why there’s not a lot of this sort of thing, though, is that most of the value is in compiling the information and very little of it is in the reading of it.”—I don’t expect that many people will get much value from this post if they simply read through it once. On the other hand, if they return to it a few times and scan through looking for techniques they haven’t tried or which they were doing and got out of the habit of doing and experiment with it, I expect that it would have a significant effect. This is much easier when you have it all in the one place, instead of spread across a large number of articles.