Encountered the claim that rightism is survival-oriented and leftism aesthetics-oriented.
Thought of Leni Riefenstahl, and Fascism as “the aestheticization of politics”.
Then thought of endless megabytes of right-conflationist libertarians explaining why Nazism really, truly is entirely leftist and not rightist at all.
Then thought of Wilson and Korzybski and the “is of identity”.
All modern¹ political views are misrepresented badly by being projected onto a single left-right axis. To the point that I am increasingly convinced that anyone who tries to make generalizations about “leftism” and “rightism” is either hijacked by a meme, or selling something, or both.
Started reading.
Encountered the claim that rightism is survival-oriented and leftism aesthetics-oriented.
Thought of Leni Riefenstahl, and Fascism as “the aestheticization of politics”.
Then thought of endless megabytes of right-conflationist libertarians explaining why Nazism really, truly is entirely leftist and not rightist at all.
Then thought of Wilson and Korzybski and the “is of identity”.
All modern¹ political views are misrepresented badly by being projected onto a single left-right axis. To the point that I am increasingly convinced that anyone who tries to make generalizations about “leftism” and “rightism” is either hijacked by a meme, or selling something, or both.
¹ This may be read as “post-WWI” at least.
It’s almost like movements are made up of people, who are each complex as hell, and then people slap a convenient post-hoc narrative on everything.