Why does the hard takeoff point have to be after the point at which an AI is as good as a typical human at understanding semantic subtlety? In order to do a hard takeoff, the AI needs to be good at a very different class of tasks than those required for understanding humans that well.
So let’s suppose that the AI is as good as a human at understanding the implications of natural-language requests. Would you trust a human not to screw up a goal like “make humans happy” if they were given effective omnipotence? The human would probably do about as well as people in the past have at imagining utopias: really badly.
Why does the hard takeoff point have to be after the point at which an AI is as good as a typical human at understanding semantic subtlety? In order to do a hard takeoff, the AI needs to be good at a very different class of tasks than those required for understanding humans that well.
Semantic extraction—not hard takeoff—is the task that we want the AI to be able to do. An AI which is good at, say, rewriting its own code, is not the kind of thing we would be interested in at that point, and it seems like it would be inherently more difficult than implementing, say, a neural network. More likely than not, this initial AI would not have the capability for “hard takeoff”: if it runs on expensive specialized hardware, there would be effectively no room for expansion, and the most promising algorithms to construct it (from the field of machine learning) don’t actually give AI any access to its own source code (even if they did, it is far from clear the AI could get any use out of it). It couldn’t copy itself even if it tried.
If a “hard takeoff” AI is made, and if hard takeoffs are even possible, it would be made after that, likely using the first AI as a core.
Would you trust a human not to screw up a goal like “make humans happy” if they were given effective omnipotence? The human would probably do about as well as people in the past have at imagining utopias: really badly.
I wouldn’t trust a human, no. If the AI is controlled by the “wrong” humans, then I guess we’re screwed (though perhaps not all that badly), but that’s not a solvable problem (all humans are the “wrong” ones from someone’s perspective). Still, though, AI won’t really try to act like humans—it would try to satisfy them and minimize surprises, meaning that if would keep track of what humans would like what “utopias”. More likely than not this would constrain it to inactivity: it would not attempt to “make humans happy” because it would know the instruction to be inconsistent. You’d have to tell it what to do precisely (if you had the authority, which is a different question altogether).
Why does the hard takeoff point have to be after the point at which an AI is as good as a typical human at understanding semantic subtlety? In order to do a hard takeoff, the AI needs to be good at a very different class of tasks than those required for understanding humans that well.
So let’s suppose that the AI is as good as a human at understanding the implications of natural-language requests. Would you trust a human not to screw up a goal like “make humans happy” if they were given effective omnipotence? The human would probably do about as well as people in the past have at imagining utopias: really badly.
Semantic extraction—not hard takeoff—is the task that we want the AI to be able to do. An AI which is good at, say, rewriting its own code, is not the kind of thing we would be interested in at that point, and it seems like it would be inherently more difficult than implementing, say, a neural network. More likely than not, this initial AI would not have the capability for “hard takeoff”: if it runs on expensive specialized hardware, there would be effectively no room for expansion, and the most promising algorithms to construct it (from the field of machine learning) don’t actually give AI any access to its own source code (even if they did, it is far from clear the AI could get any use out of it). It couldn’t copy itself even if it tried.
If a “hard takeoff” AI is made, and if hard takeoffs are even possible, it would be made after that, likely using the first AI as a core.
I wouldn’t trust a human, no. If the AI is controlled by the “wrong” humans, then I guess we’re screwed (though perhaps not all that badly), but that’s not a solvable problem (all humans are the “wrong” ones from someone’s perspective). Still, though, AI won’t really try to act like humans—it would try to satisfy them and minimize surprises, meaning that if would keep track of what humans would like what “utopias”. More likely than not this would constrain it to inactivity: it would not attempt to “make humans happy” because it would know the instruction to be inconsistent. You’d have to tell it what to do precisely (if you had the authority, which is a different question altogether).