The bit about “music our ears are not hearing” brings back strong memories about building echolocation in me. Part of the surpise of it is/was that it is not about receiving more sound but rather interpreting what you constantly do get. Doing the hoops made for a cool subjective experience in me but I don’t have a pathway to induce that in others. However despite/inaddition to being cool it could also be categorised as phenomological progress which could be a neglected category of value. Is there any way to explain to a blind man why it would be good to be able to see? Is it?
Invisible tragedies might include understanding human variance as erroring on one central design on how the brain is “supposed to” work. I guess thered is somewhat of an awareness that neurodivercity might be a positive force. But kind of bridging these two ideas, humans naturally learn stereoscopic colorvision and bats naturally leans echolocation. Humans left without instruction might or might not pick up on written language. If sensory modalities can be expanded by training then there would be a category comparable to alexic people, aspatial people that can’t see beyond corners.
If a facistic dictatorship would only allow people of a certain haircolor or lineage to live that would seem unacceptably oppressive. Yet society effectively supports only 1 neurotype.
The bit about “music our ears are not hearing” brings back strong memories about building echolocation in me. Part of the surpise of it is/was that it is not about receiving more sound but rather interpreting what you constantly do get. Doing the hoops made for a cool subjective experience in me but I don’t have a pathway to induce that in others. However despite/inaddition to being cool it could also be categorised as phenomological progress which could be a neglected category of value. Is there any way to explain to a blind man why it would be good to be able to see? Is it?
Invisible tragedies might include understanding human variance as erroring on one central design on how the brain is “supposed to” work. I guess thered is somewhat of an awareness that neurodivercity might be a positive force. But kind of bridging these two ideas, humans naturally learn stereoscopic colorvision and bats naturally leans echolocation. Humans left without instruction might or might not pick up on written language. If sensory modalities can be expanded by training then there would be a category comparable to alexic people, aspatial people that can’t see beyond corners.
If a facistic dictatorship would only allow people of a certain haircolor or lineage to live that would seem unacceptably oppressive. Yet society effectively supports only 1 neurotype.