I perceive an inconsistency or at least strong imbalance in the results: Almost all topics should have higher proportion or at least stay the same except for meetups (and to small degree related orgs).
Should this be correct there are the following explanations:
To make up for the increase in other topics meetup notes (despite their volume) would have to be reduced to almost zero.
Lots of other topics not covered by this poll have to be reduced (but I do not see how they could so)
The requested increase in proportion is indeed very slight.
More likely, I suspect people are reading “I would like this to be a… higher proportion” and interpreting it as “I’d like to see more of this”, ignoring the “proportion” part. A more informative poll would ask voters to rank the topics in order of wanting to see them, but LW doesn’t support that format.
Disclosure: my votes for the above poll are not anonymous. I want people to be aware of how I voted, because I state the following: my votes for this poll are limited to my perception of Less Wrong over only the last few months, as of the date of this comment, which is the period of time in which I have started checking Less Wrong on a semi-daily basis.
Inspired by the below poll—rate the following LessWrong topics based on whether you’d like to see more or less posted about them here.
Biases, heuristics, and fallacies, and methods for dealing with them
Improving virtues, such as altruism, mindfulness, etc
Self-improvement: productivity and fighting akrasia
Self-improvement: other topics (luminosity, longevity, etc)
Statistics, probability theory, decision theory, and other mathematical topics
Ethics and metaethics
Rationality applied to social situations and interpersonal relationships (interacting with strangers, romantic relationships, etc)
The future: singularity, transhumanism, mental uploading, cryonics, etc
Related organizations (CFAR, MIRI, GiveWell, etc), including fundraisers
I perceive an inconsistency or at least strong imbalance in the results: Almost all topics should have higher proportion or at least stay the same except for meetups (and to small degree related orgs).
Should this be correct there are the following explanations:
To make up for the increase in other topics meetup notes (despite their volume) would have to be reduced to almost zero.
Lots of other topics not covered by this poll have to be reduced (but I do not see how they could so)
The requested increase in proportion is indeed very slight.
People cant vote consistently.
Some combination of the above.
Something I missed.
More likely, I suspect people are reading “I would like this to be a… higher proportion” and interpreting it as “I’d like to see more of this”, ignoring the “proportion” part. A more informative poll would ask voters to rank the topics in order of wanting to see them, but LW doesn’t support that format.
Disclosure: my votes for the above poll are not anonymous. I want people to be aware of how I voted, because I state the following: my votes for this poll are limited to my perception of Less Wrong over only the last few months, as of the date of this comment, which is the period of time in which I have started checking Less Wrong on a semi-daily basis.