I believe climate change will provide a significant (>90%) net-negative (>90%) impact on future human welfare in the forseeable future. I believe (>90%) that climate change is a large-scale policy and technology problem i.e. individual self-regulation has more to do with fuzzies than utilons. I have triaged climate change as a less-than-optimal target of my limited resources. Climate change therefore deserves no more further attention from me.
To put it bluntly, I believe
Strong AGI is potentially imminent.
If strong AGI is imminent then it outweighs all other large-scale altruistic concerns.
I personally have a non-negligible probability of impacting the trajectory of AGI.
AGI therefore overwhelms all my other actionable large-scale altruistic concerns. In particular, climate change is a relatively minor (>%75) threat I am unlikely to significantly influence directly via intentional action (>95%). Furthermore, climate change is likely (>75%) to have relatively minor (affecting <10% of my overall material standard of living) negative personal impact on me. Thought climate change is important to human welfare, I ought not to be “concerned” about it at all.
As for mass media’s respresentation of climate change, I think it’s crap—just like all other propaganda. This is by design.
I believe climate change will provide a significant (>90%) net-negative (>90%) impact on future human welfare in the forseeable future. I believe (>90%) that climate change is a large-scale policy and technology problem i.e. individual self-regulation has more to do with fuzzies than utilons. I have triaged climate change as a less-than-optimal target of my limited resources. Climate change therefore deserves no more further attention from me.
To put it bluntly, I believe
Strong AGI is potentially imminent.
If strong AGI is imminent then it outweighs all other large-scale altruistic concerns.
I personally have a non-negligible probability of impacting the trajectory of AGI.
AGI therefore overwhelms all my other actionable large-scale altruistic concerns. In particular, climate change is a relatively minor (>%75) threat I am unlikely to significantly influence directly via intentional action (>95%). Furthermore, climate change is likely (>75%) to have relatively minor (affecting <10% of my overall material standard of living) negative personal impact on me. Thought climate change is important to human welfare, I ought not to be “concerned” about it at all.
As for mass media’s respresentation of climate change, I think it’s crap—just like all other propaganda. This is by design.