Sir Terry Pratchett Knight and Adjunct Professor of English at Trinity College Dublin
I’ve not cried when family members have died but… I learned to read from his books and he shaped my view of the world more than pretty much anyone except my parents.
He was a secular humanist and an incredible intellect.
For some reason one of the comments on the story about his death hit me hard:
Pratchett has received a number of letters from terminally ill fans in which they hope that Death will resemble the Discworld incarnation (he also says that those particular letters usually cause him to spend some time staring at the wall). ~ the art of Discworld.
And finally, the last post on his twitter account:
“Terry took Death’s arm and followed him through the doors and on to the black desert under the endless night.”
Sir Terry Pratchett Knight and Adjunct Professor of English at Trinity College Dublin
I’ve not cried when family members have died but… I learned to read from his books and he shaped my view of the world more than pretty much anyone except my parents.
He was a secular humanist and an incredible intellect.
Terry Pratchetts Richard Dimbleby lecture: Shaking Hands With Death
He was a campaigner for voluntary euthanasia, not because he was in favor of dying but because there are worse things in this universe than death.
His Inaugural Lecture at trinity: Terry Pratchett “The Importance of Being Amazed about Absolutely Everything”
For some reason one of the comments on the story about his death hit me hard:
Pratchett has received a number of letters from terminally ill fans in which they hope that Death will resemble the Discworld incarnation (he also says that those particular letters usually cause him to spend some time staring at the wall). ~ the art of Discworld.
And finally, the last post on his twitter account:
“Terry took Death’s arm and followed him through the doors and on to the black desert under the endless night.”
“The End.”