Meetup : Dallas—Fort Worth Less Wrong Meetup 5/6/12
Discussion article for the meetup : Dallas—Fort Worth Less Wrong Meetup 5/6/12
We had a handful of people show up last week, and it was quite enjoyable. Not bad for our first meetup! I’ll remember to bring a sign this time!
1:00 Introductions and call to order
1:15 Discussion of: meetup group management (roles and agenda setting), mailing list options (, facebook, google groups, etc.)
1:30 Discussion of core sequences. Recommended that you have read through the “Map and Territory” sequence (this is a short one), and start reading the “Mysterious Answers to Mysterious Questions” sequence. (this is a long sequence, so may take a few meetings to get through)
2:00 Some rationality-improving games.
Unfortunately, I will not be able to make it, but the friend I mentioned last time might be there.