Well, stand-up comedy follows pretty much the scientific method: you come up with a routine, test it to the public, see what works and what doesn’t, discard the second, come up with a new routine, and so on. Wash, rinse, repeat. I don’t know how much public there is for deep transhumanist humor, but robot stealing jobs to humans is a thing that started two centuries ago, so I would watch a comedian impersonating a robot stealing jobs from stupid humans, making fun of their most irrational traits.
Well, stand-up comedy follows pretty much the scientific method: you come up with a routine, test it to the public, see what works and what doesn’t, discard the second, come up with a new routine, and so on. Wash, rinse, repeat.
I don’t know how much public there is for deep transhumanist humor, but robot stealing jobs to humans is a thing that started two centuries ago, so I would watch a comedian impersonating a robot stealing jobs from stupid humans, making fun of their most irrational traits.