Well, here’s my data point: complete failure, worse than usual.
I’d resolved to do at least 3 hours of math on every workday for the month, which was something I thought I really wanted to do and would be able to maintain. Well, on Day 2 I failed; and suffice it to say that I’ve had a much less productive month than my norm.
On the other hand, I was undiagnosed (and accordingly untreated) bipolar type 2 at the time of that comment, so my results are not generalizable. My hypomanic self wrote checks that my depressive self couldn’t cash.
That’s encouraging news. I’m going to use this; next month I’ll tell you how it went.
Well, here’s my data point: complete failure, worse than usual.
I’d resolved to do at least 3 hours of math on every workday for the month, which was something I thought I really wanted to do and would be able to maintain. Well, on Day 2 I failed; and suffice it to say that I’ve had a much less productive month than my norm.
On the other hand, I was undiagnosed (and accordingly untreated) bipolar type 2 at the time of that comment, so my results are not generalizable. My hypomanic self wrote checks that my depressive self couldn’t cash.