I think this post suffers a lot from undefined terms. In particular, without knowing just what you mean by “magic” it’s really hard to know what to make of this post, so as is it feels empty of contentful statements to me. The fact that I read this and don’t know if I actually agree or disagree with anything in it is a bad sign, because I’m not uncertain, I just don’t really know what most of the sentences are supposed to mean because I can’t really figure out what you mean by “magic” here.
I thought it was extremely clear that magic is meant to mean consciousness, from the title alone as well as the examples, and that the post is criticizing / satirizing those that make the corresponding arguments about consciousness/qualia.
I think this post suffers a lot from undefined terms. In particular, without knowing just what you mean by “magic” it’s really hard to know what to make of this post, so as is it feels empty of contentful statements to me. The fact that I read this and don’t know if I actually agree or disagree with anything in it is a bad sign, because I’m not uncertain, I just don’t really know what most of the sentences are supposed to mean because I can’t really figure out what you mean by “magic” here.
I thought it was extremely clear that magic is meant to mean consciousness, from the title alone as well as the examples, and that the post is criticizing / satirizing those that make the corresponding arguments about consciousness/qualia.
I guess if that was the idea it’s such a strawman of actual work on consciousness that it missed the mark for me.