People offer many noble rationales for public education, but the data suggest they were adopted to create patriotic citizens for war.
The basic argument structure is that public education either exists for ‘creating patriotic citizens for war’ or it exist for ‘noble purposes’.
That’s dualism. People who believe in strong reductionism tend to make arguments that are structured that way.
What do I mean by strong reductionism? Weak reductionism is the the belief that a world is determined by the way it works on the lowest level. Strong reductionism is the belief that you can basically ignore the halting problem and understand how a system works by understanding how it works on the lowest level.
But she doesn’t seem to make the bridge between the laws of physics and a full human brain.
loup-vaillant wants to use dualistic thinking for the way the full human brain works. I sat in a lecture in the Free University of Berlin about how the human brain works the professor told me:
“You can’t understand how the human brain works if all you are doing is studying neurons, you actually need to study the full system in action.”
Even when the system might be determined by it’s the way neurons work you can’t understand it on that level.
The stuff that you can then say about the human brain doesn’t tend to be either true or false but useful or not useful given a specific purpose.
loup-vaillant however wants to convince his mother that it makes dualism works on that level. That it makes sense to distinguish between true and false statements.
Robert Hanson wrote recently:
The basic argument structure is that public education either exists for ‘creating patriotic citizens for war’ or it exist for ‘noble purposes’. That’s dualism. People who believe in strong reductionism tend to make arguments that are structured that way.
What do I mean by strong reductionism? Weak reductionism is the the belief that a world is determined by the way it works on the lowest level. Strong reductionism is the belief that you can basically ignore the halting problem and understand how a system works by understanding how it works on the lowest level.
loup-vaillant wants to use dualistic thinking for the way the full human brain works. I sat in a lecture in the Free University of Berlin about how the human brain works the professor told me: “You can’t understand how the human brain works if all you are doing is studying neurons, you actually need to study the full system in action.” Even when the system might be determined by it’s the way neurons work you can’t understand it on that level.
The stuff that you can then say about the human brain doesn’t tend to be either true or false but useful or not useful given a specific purpose. loup-vaillant however wants to convince his mother that it makes dualism works on that level. That it makes sense to distinguish between true and false statements.