I had the same doubt, but on reflection, I still like it. Many religions seem to have as an explicit primary value: love/obey God—THAT is what good behavior is, i.e. normal human values (especially non/different-believers’) are secondary.
Of course it’s not likely that the top-10 God-lovers and man-harmers are exactly the same people, but “the most-quoted things are the least-equivocating” :) [self-quotation]
I had the same doubt, but on reflection, I still like it. Many religions seem to have as an explicit primary value: love/obey God—THAT is what good behavior is, i.e. normal human values (especially non/different-believers’) are secondary.
Of course it’s not likely that the top-10 God-lovers and man-harmers are exactly the same people, but “the most-quoted things are the least-equivocating” :) [self-quotation]