True but irrelevant. I was illustrating the hidden human-centric assumptions matt1 was making about morality. If you go back and read the post I responded to it’s quite clear that he thinks “morally wrong to terminate human, morally neutral to terminate program” says something about a quality humans have (as if morality was woven into the physical universe), where really it says something about a quality morality has (that it is produced by humans). By making obvious python-centric assumptions, the hidden assumptions matt1 is making ought to become clearer to him.
I’m sorry what? Why would it think about morality at all? That would take valuable cycles away from the task of calculating pi.
True but irrelevant. I was illustrating the hidden human-centric assumptions matt1 was making about morality. If you go back and read the post I responded to it’s quite clear that he thinks “morally wrong to terminate human, morally neutral to terminate program” says something about a quality humans have (as if morality was woven into the physical universe), where really it says something about a quality morality has (that it is produced by humans). By making obvious python-centric assumptions, the hidden assumptions matt1 is making ought to become clearer to him.