The crocodile humor is DeLong’s post, specifically the run-like-the-wind-Skittles bit. DeLong is being sarcastic and mocking the belief of folks like Pinkerton or those discussing Obama’s less savory connections that publicizing it to any degree could hope to make a difference. It’s the laughter of the powerful (the liberal side of the continuum who know that nothing short of assassination could stop Obama - ‘the strong horse’ - from winning at that point) at the powerless (the reactionaries).
Even in context, I don’t understand the example of crocodile humor that he gives. His claim that Obama is a communist is completely confusing.
What is going on?
The crocodile humor is DeLong’s post, specifically the run-like-the-wind-Skittles bit. DeLong is being sarcastic and mocking the belief of folks like Pinkerton or those discussing Obama’s less savory connections that publicizing it to any degree could hope to make a difference. It’s the laughter of the powerful (the liberal side of the continuum who know that nothing short of assassination could stop Obama - ‘the strong horse’ - from winning at that point) at the powerless (the reactionaries).
So I tracked down the original DeLong post, and it still makes absolutely no sense. Mr. Skittles is a hamster?
I am so confused.