If it is the case that you need money now to get started, I think that sort of circumstance almost always requires you to either:
Directly solicit money from people who already know you
have networked your way into an institution that gives you some freedom to spend time thinking.
Pitch your ideas in an immediately-accessible crowd-fund-y way.
This does suck, but any improvements on that status quo would be fairly difficult
My time horizon is about 6 months. I could probably extend that by a few months but that would involve (tolerable but noticeable) sacrifices. So the difference between 1-6 months and 6-9 is meaningful to me, though not completely dispositive.
If it is the case that you need money now to get started, I think that sort of circumstance almost always requires you to either:
Directly solicit money from people who already know you
have networked your way into an institution that gives you some freedom to spend time thinking.
Pitch your ideas in an immediately-accessible crowd-fund-y way.
This does suck, but any improvements on that status quo would be fairly difficult
My time horizon is about 6 months. I could probably extend that by a few months but that would involve (tolerable but noticeable) sacrifices. So the difference between 1-6 months and 6-9 is meaningful to me, though not completely dispositive.