I take ephedrine, adrafanil, and (prescription) amphetamine sometimes (not together). I have used Ephedrine for appetite suppression and for increased focus, and I found it works very well for both purposes. However, I also had an experience where I felt like my heart was pounding (even though I wasn’t active at the time). I’m not sure if ephedrine was the cause, though. It may have just been placebo effect since I was aware ephedrine can exacerbate heart problems.
I’ve also tried piracetam. If there was any effect, it was extremely small. Probably placebo.
I take ephedrine, adrafanil, and (prescription) amphetamine sometimes (not together). I have used Ephedrine for appetite suppression and for increased focus, and I found it works very well for both purposes. However, I also had an experience where I felt like my heart was pounding (even though I wasn’t active at the time). I’m not sure if ephedrine was the cause, though. It may have just been placebo effect since I was aware ephedrine can exacerbate heart problems.
I’ve also tried piracetam. If there was any effect, it was extremely small. Probably placebo.