It is usually better to read textbooks in an area before reading papers (particularly just-published one) in the area. Can anyone recommend a textbook that covers this material or material that would tend to help one understand this material?
I don’t know of a textbook treatment, but Baumeister, Vohs, and Tice (2007) (pdf) is a brief review article by the leading proponents of the limited resource theory which summarizes the theory and the research that supports it.
Baumeister, R.F., Vohs, K.D., & Tice, D.M. (2007). The strength model of self-control. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 16, 351–355.
I agree with you in general, and would especially like to hear from some LW psychologists. I think this field is pretty new, though, and not heavily dependent on any canon.
It is usually better to read textbooks in an area before reading papers (particularly just-published one) in the area. Can anyone recommend a textbook that covers this material or material that would tend to help one understand this material?
I don’t know of a textbook treatment, but Baumeister, Vohs, and Tice (2007) (pdf) is a brief review article by the leading proponents of the limited resource theory which summarizes the theory and the research that supports it.
Baumeister, R.F., Vohs, K.D., & Tice, D.M. (2007). The strength model of self-control. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 16, 351–355.
I agree with you in general, and would especially like to hear from some LW psychologists. I think this field is pretty new, though, and not heavily dependent on any canon.