Disagreeing with the original post is a bit like disagreeing with the statement that there’s too much crime. What I find remarkable, though, is how useful password knowledge is. I mean you might think it would have zero use, but it doesn’t. For instance, all knowledge of geography is password knowledge, unless you have actually been to the place. Yet, most people will argue that knowledge of geography is a good thing because it makes you form little mental boxes that are useful for organizing future knowledge (e.g. there are some people from a place called China, and they’re probably very different from people from a place called Botswana).
Disagreeing with the original post is a bit like disagreeing with the statement that there’s too much crime. What I find remarkable, though, is how useful password knowledge is. I mean you might think it would have zero use, but it doesn’t. For instance, all knowledge of geography is password knowledge, unless you have actually been to the place. Yet, most people will argue that knowledge of geography is a good thing because it makes you form little mental boxes that are useful for organizing future knowledge (e.g. there are some people from a place called China, and they’re probably very different from people from a place called Botswana).