“Heinrich HIMMLER,” said Himself, “was a foul, Jew-exterminating, Nazi fiend whom your grandmother’s parents and their whole generation fought a world war to defeat in order that she could sit here 70 years later and be called racist by her sanctimonious and ungrateful grandchildren. Anyone for crumble?”
Heinrich Himmler is a racist. Eugene_Nier, not so much.
Non-central fallacy or focusing on disputing definitions possibly?
I’m pretty sure (but don’t feel like spending time tracking down examples, so I could be wrong) that I’ve seen Eugine saying biorealist things.
I changed “racist” to “biorealist” in my comment, if you don’t think the two should be equated.
I commend you for your reasonableness, which quality seems increasingly rare in the modern world.
Are you implying that none of EN’s contributions were much more problematic than saying “Negro spirituals”?
My laugh for the evening.