How peculiar. I could have sworn I quoted you talking about “evil, nasty reactionaries”, as typified in this context by Eugine_Nier.
I’m not trying to endorse Daenerys’ apparent opinion re: biorealists and antifeminists, as you may have gleaned from the fact that I directly said I disagree with it. But you’re going too far in the other direction. You may, of course, make whatever assertions you please regarding the general behavior of groups he may belong to, but I feel it’s somewhat disingenuous to cast any of those groups as entirely innocent of social wrongdoing (“social pacifists”) when this entire friggin’ thread is about social wrongdoing by a member of those groups. If you’re instead going for some kind of No True Scotsman deal, it’d help to say that Eugine’s not a true Scotsman.
I could have sworn I quoted you talking about “evil, nasty reactionaries”,
The sarcastic, not using my own voice tone didn’t come through, even from the context? Did you genuinely think I was earnestly calling reactionaries evil? If not, this seems like a complete red herring.
this entire friggin’ thread is about social wrongdoing by a member of those groups.
He’s a member of LessWrong too. Is everyone here an asshole?
Two very different cases.
Eugine, at least by his own argument, was voting down people with a low rationality quotient. He has been widely condemned by all, including the evil reactionaries, and was banned.
daenerys called a lot of people on the list assholes based on them having opinions she disagreed with, and suggested they be banned for the same. She was widely upvoted.
cast any of those groups as entirely innocent
Generalizations are about general trends, and not absolute truths admitting of no exceptions.
Which side heaps abuse on the other, and suggests sanctions against the other? Which side defends their own? What’s the broad trend?
You keep coming back to Eugine, but neither daenerys nor I were predominantly talking about Eugine.
Go to my previous comment in this thread. Currently, two downvotes for an accurate correction of your misrepresentation of her original statement. Do you want to further debate that point, or will you grant my reading? If so, isn’t it odd that a couple of people on the list are downvoting a clearly accurate interpretation of the text that corrects a clearly inaccurate misinterpretation.
Upvotes for calling people assholes and suggesting they be banned for their beliefs, downvotes for accurate analysis. The voting seems to align better with ideology than truth, and is positive for one ideology, and negative for the other. Which is the trend I’m pointing out.
daenerys called a lot of people on the list assholes based on them having opinions she disagreed with, and suggested they be banned for the same. She was widely upvoted.
Point of order: can you quote where they said being reactionary should be a banning offence? Because I don’t see it.
Personally, I’m glad Eugine is gone, because even without the downvoting he was an asshole. And having anti-feminist or biorealist assholes running around is a great way to drive off women and minorities.
Anyways, I prefer the walled garden, and the conversational tone, and the positive emotional support that Facebook provides, so I doubt I’ll come back to posting here.
She prefers that “anti-feminist or biorealist assholes” aren’t here, she prefers “a walled garden”. Is that a literal statement of “I want the anti-feminist or biorealist assholes through over the wall and kept out”? No, but it’s not too hard to do the math.
“Will no one rid me of these turbulent assholes?” (In case the reference is too obscure, see Saint Thomas of Canterbury for details.)
I get the reference. Not because I get references, as a rule, but because Blackadder used it :-)
I read that as saying that they were glad he was gone, but that it didn’t matter much to them—because they had moved to the self-selected “garden” of one’s Facebook feed.
But I suppose I can see how that might be read as an ideal for us to be aspiring to, now that you say it. Which … is bad, yeah. Hmm.
Just ran into Eugine on Gab. The name looked familiar, so I did a quick search, came onto this thread, and saw that my comment giving the quote requested to back up my point had been downvoted into being hidden.
It’s interesting. I’d be embarrassed to downvote to oblivion someone delivering evidence requested to back up their claim, especially on LW.
The banning of Eugine was just part of the trend that today has me banned from Twitter and reading Eugine’s posts on Gab. Such is the asymmetry of the social war. I keep wondering if the Right will ever fight back.
See the original quote:
We’re not talking about downvoting, we’re talking about biorealists and antifeminists. They’re the assholes.
How peculiar. I could have sworn I quoted you talking about “evil, nasty reactionaries”, as typified in this context by Eugine_Nier.
I’m not trying to endorse Daenerys’ apparent opinion re: biorealists and antifeminists, as you may have gleaned from the fact that I directly said I disagree with it. But you’re going too far in the other direction. You may, of course, make whatever assertions you please regarding the general behavior of groups he may belong to, but I feel it’s somewhat disingenuous to cast any of those groups as entirely innocent of social wrongdoing (“social pacifists”) when this entire friggin’ thread is about social wrongdoing by a member of those groups. If you’re instead going for some kind of No True Scotsman deal, it’d help to say that Eugine’s not a true Scotsman.
The sarcastic, not using my own voice tone didn’t come through, even from the context? Did you genuinely think I was earnestly calling reactionaries evil? If not, this seems like a complete red herring.
He’s a member of LessWrong too. Is everyone here an asshole?
Two very different cases.
Eugine, at least by his own argument, was voting down people with a low rationality quotient. He has been widely condemned by all, including the evil reactionaries, and was banned.
daenerys called a lot of people on the list assholes based on them having opinions she disagreed with, and suggested they be banned for the same. She was widely upvoted.
Generalizations are about general trends, and not absolute truths admitting of no exceptions.
Which side heaps abuse on the other, and suggests sanctions against the other? Which side defends their own? What’s the broad trend?
You keep coming back to Eugine, but neither daenerys nor I were predominantly talking about Eugine.
Go to my previous comment in this thread. Currently, two downvotes for an accurate correction of your misrepresentation of her original statement. Do you want to further debate that point, or will you grant my reading? If so, isn’t it odd that a couple of people on the list are downvoting a clearly accurate interpretation of the text that corrects a clearly inaccurate misinterpretation.
Upvotes for calling people assholes and suggesting they be banned for their beliefs, downvotes for accurate analysis. The voting seems to align better with ideology than truth, and is positive for one ideology, and negative for the other. Which is the trend I’m pointing out.
Point of order: can you quote where they said being reactionary should be a banning offence? Because I don’t see it.
That’s because it’s not there.
She prefers that “anti-feminist or biorealist assholes” aren’t here, she prefers “a walled garden”. Is that a literal statement of “I want the anti-feminist or biorealist assholes through over the wall and kept out”? No, but it’s not too hard to do the math.
“Will no one rid me of these turbulent assholes?” (In case the reference is too obscure, see Saint Thomas of Canterbury for details.)
I get the reference. Not because I get references, as a rule, but because Blackadder used it :-)
I read that as saying that they were glad he was gone, but that it didn’t matter much to them—because they had moved to the self-selected “garden” of one’s Facebook feed.
But I suppose I can see how that might be read as an ideal for us to be aspiring to, now that you say it. Which … is bad, yeah. Hmm.
Just ran into Eugine on Gab. The name looked familiar, so I did a quick search, came onto this thread, and saw that my comment giving the quote requested to back up my point had been downvoted into being hidden.
It’s interesting. I’d be embarrassed to downvote to oblivion someone delivering evidence requested to back up their claim, especially on LW.
The banning of Eugine was just part of the trend that today has me banned from Twitter and reading Eugine’s posts on Gab. Such is the asymmetry of the social war. I keep wondering if the Right will ever fight back.