Then again, I think a lot of other people’s phrasing isn’t helpful. I think many of their ideas are positively harmful. But in any group, I don’t always expect to get my way.
It’s funny that all the people bemoaning his karma bombing of others where he perceives their irrationality, have little compunction about karma bombing my posts here so that I have to spend karma to not be rude and leave people hanging who took the time and effort to respond to me.
I’ve made arguments all the way through here. Anyone here saying I’m simply irrational? Not making any points? Can’t put an argument together?
Not that I’ve seen. It’s all tone. It’s all about hurt feelings. It’s all about having different values. If I were karma voting on those terms, I’d get carpal tunnel syndrome in a week. Click click click click click.
Look upthread at my −6, followed by your 100% +9. So, in your estimate, is that an accurate evaluation of our comparative rationality in those two posts? I was abysmally irrational, and you’re pristinely rational and insightful?
Looking at the pattern of votes, I think it’s unlikely that even the majority of my downvotes came from people who actually read each of my posts. A lot of people are just signaling disapproval. Like Eugine was doing.
Eugine is at least downvoting people on his perception of their rationality quotient.
Who’s really cheating here?
But is there anyone sharpening the tines of their pitchforks for these new cheaters? Strange how the pitchforks magically align to ideological north, instead of cheating north.
Reducing this level of misbehaviour to “feelings were hurt” is entirely misleading.
Hurt feelings are the crux of the matter. The “cheating” business is a minor transgression serving as rationalization for the picthforks, and as we’ve seen, a rationalization hardly consistently applied.
Turn all of Eugine’s downvotes to upvotes. Still “cheating”. Should provoke the same outrage, if the outrage was really about cheating. Do you maintain upvotes would have provoked the same outrage?
I think, people would have disapproved a little, but there would have nowhere near the level of stink about it, and he would not have been banned.
Yep. He was a minor annoyance that people blew up into major drama that was much more destructive.
Meanwhile, he was also a poster with 9000 karma. Seems like he was producing a good deal of value for some people. Not anymore.
As to what I’d really want—to be God Emperor, of course, but the Universe shows no sign of obliging any time soon. So I’m putting those plans on hold for the near future, and likewise don’t expect a list with a lot of people with very different values and preferences than mine to conform themselves to what I really want. Or even kind of want.
And that’s the difference. Live and let live. Even with assholes, who largely are just people with different values. I thought Eugine was being a dick, but . The world is an imperfect place. Other people are being karma dicks here, but . I’d rather we kept our powder dry for things that really mattered.
I do see a problem with that strategy, but I don’t know that you’re going to like the solution. Basically, people who give others slack are great when they get together. They have a nice buffer from real conflict. Throw in a few random slack takers, and they’re annoying, but the preponderance of slackers can easily mitigate the damage and dissuade the assholes through numbers, if not intensity.
But when with enough slack takers, and particularly those pulling in the same direction, slack givers are just giving out more and more slack until the slack takers hang them with it. A few random slack takers like Eugine aren’t a problem, but a large contingent of slack takers pulling in the same direction are. Against them, slack givers may have to hold the line on slack.
Again, not what I really want, but maybe what I should be doing.
Yeah, I get that a lot.
Then again, I think a lot of other people’s phrasing isn’t helpful. I think many of their ideas are positively harmful. But in any group, I don’t always expect to get my way.
It’s funny that all the people bemoaning his karma bombing of others where he perceives their irrationality, have little compunction about karma bombing my posts here so that I have to spend karma to not be rude and leave people hanging who took the time and effort to respond to me.
I’ve made arguments all the way through here. Anyone here saying I’m simply irrational? Not making any points? Can’t put an argument together?
Not that I’ve seen. It’s all tone. It’s all about hurt feelings. It’s all about having different values. If I were karma voting on those terms, I’d get carpal tunnel syndrome in a week. Click click click click click.
Look upthread at my −6, followed by your 100% +9. So, in your estimate, is that an accurate evaluation of our comparative rationality in those two posts? I was abysmally irrational, and you’re pristinely rational and insightful?
Looking at the pattern of votes, I think it’s unlikely that even the majority of my downvotes came from people who actually read each of my posts. A lot of people are just signaling disapproval. Like Eugine was doing.
Eugine is at least downvoting people on his perception of their rationality quotient.
Who’s really cheating here?
But is there anyone sharpening the tines of their pitchforks for these new cheaters? Strange how the pitchforks magically align to ideological north, instead of cheating north.
Hurt feelings are the crux of the matter. The “cheating” business is a minor transgression serving as rationalization for the picthforks, and as we’ve seen, a rationalization hardly consistently applied.
Turn all of Eugine’s downvotes to upvotes. Still “cheating”. Should provoke the same outrage, if the outrage was really about cheating. Do you maintain upvotes would have provoked the same outrage?
I think, people would have disapproved a little, but there would have nowhere near the level of stink about it, and he would not have been banned.
Yep. He was a minor annoyance that people blew up into major drama that was much more destructive.
Meanwhile, he was also a poster with 9000 karma. Seems like he was producing a good deal of value for some people. Not anymore.
As to what I’d really want—to be God Emperor, of course, but the Universe shows no sign of obliging any time soon. So I’m putting those plans on hold for the near future, and likewise don’t expect a list with a lot of people with very different values and preferences than mine to conform themselves to what I really want. Or even kind of want.
And that’s the difference. Live and let live. Even with assholes, who largely are just people with different values. I thought Eugine was being a dick, but . The world is an imperfect place. Other people are being karma dicks here, but . I’d rather we kept our powder dry for things that really mattered.
I do see a problem with that strategy, but I don’t know that you’re going to like the solution. Basically, people who give others slack are great when they get together. They have a nice buffer from real conflict. Throw in a few random slack takers, and they’re annoying, but the preponderance of slackers can easily mitigate the damage and dissuade the assholes through numbers, if not intensity.
But when with enough slack takers, and particularly those pulling in the same direction, slack givers are just giving out more and more slack until the slack takers hang them with it. A few random slack takers like Eugine aren’t a problem, but a large contingent of slack takers pulling in the same direction are. Against them, slack givers may have to hold the line on slack.
Again, not what I really want, but maybe what I should be doing.