Ok, that makes sense. I think it would be useful if you could annotate your list with references where possible, for things like the chance of Alzheimer’s, cancer, etc. This way people who disagree with your probabilities have something to go on. As for the rough guesses, I’m still unclear what they’re based on—can you elaborate ?
In addition, many of the items on your list depend on the time span. To use a trivial example, the probability of “all people die” approaches 1.0 as time goes on, culminating in the heat death of the Universe. Thus, it would be helpful if you provided the rough amount of time you expect to spend frozen, along with an explanation of why you picked this time span in particular.
For some of the cases where I can look up data (chance of altzheimers, etc) I did so. For most of the other things I gave rough guesses.
Ok, that makes sense. I think it would be useful if you could annotate your list with references where possible, for things like the chance of Alzheimer’s, cancer, etc. This way people who disagree with your probabilities have something to go on. As for the rough guesses, I’m still unclear what they’re based on—can you elaborate ?
In addition, many of the items on your list depend on the time span. To use a trivial example, the probability of “all people die” approaches 1.0 as time goes on, culminating in the heat death of the Universe. Thus, it would be helpful if you provided the rough amount of time you expect to spend frozen, along with an explanation of why you picked this time span in particular.