“In the future (if we survive the next century) there will be enough technological progression to create essential Communism (no-one needs to work, everyone will have necessary resources to live incredible lives and so forth).”
-10 points for confusing means with ends.
From the article:
“[...]there is never an Idea so true that it’s wrong to criticize any argument that supports it.”
Or make jokes about it? Having a sense of humour ought to be mentioned as a primary piece of equipment in the Bias-Buster’s toolkit. It’s easy and fun! After all, a defining feature of True Believers is that they lack a sense of irony.
“In the future (if we survive the next century) there will be enough technological progression to create essential Communism (no-one needs to work, everyone will have necessary resources to live incredible lives and so forth).”
-10 points for confusing means with ends.
From the article:
“[...]there is never an Idea so true that it’s wrong to criticize any argument that supports it.”
Or make jokes about it? Having a sense of humour ought to be mentioned as a primary piece of equipment in the Bias-Buster’s toolkit. It’s easy and fun! After all, a defining feature of True Believers is that they lack a sense of irony.