(I chided Sherlock through my screen for not getting it in A Study In Pink)
I would like to know what he hadn’t gotten—I just watched ASIP, but I had had the plot spoilered.
Obviously, to avoid doing the same thing to anyone else, rot13 or that link spoiler thing you just did would be a good idea.
Regarding consistency, IIRC they only show that he’s checking “wet or dry” on the coat, not what he’s trying to learn, but with the jewelry they show the deduction onscreen, even though he exposits it anyway. (I think I danced around the spoilers successfully there.)
I would like to know what he hadn’t gotten—I just watched ASIP, but I had had the plot spoilered.
Jura gurl jrer jnvgvat ng gur erfgnhenag, naq gur pno chyyrq hc, vg jnf boivbhf gb zr gung gur pnoovr jnf gur crefba gurl jrer vagrerfgrq va, abg gur cnffratre.
I would like to know what he hadn’t gotten—I just watched ASIP, but I had had the plot spoilered.
Obviously, to avoid doing the same thing to anyone else, rot13 or that link spoiler thing you just did would be a good idea.
Regarding consistency, IIRC they only show that he’s checking “wet or dry” on the coat, not what he’s trying to learn, but with the jewelry they show the deduction onscreen, even though he exposits it anyway. (I think I danced around the spoilers successfully there.)
Jura gurl jrer jnvgvat ng gur erfgnhenag, naq gur pno chyyrq hc, vg jnf boivbhf gb zr gung gur pnoovr jnf gur crefba gurl jrer vagrerfgrq va, abg gur cnffratre.