Jack Clark: Salary for tech staff of EU AI Office (develop and assess evaluations for gen models like big LLMs) is… 3,877 – 4,387 Euros a month, aka $4242 – $4800 USD.
Most tech co internships $8k+ a month.
He seems to be comparing an EU AI Office job with American tech salaries.
I think people tend to underestimate how much lower tech salaries tend to be in EU compared to American standards.
(Of course, things do strongly depend on the location as well, both within the EU and with the US).
He seems to be comparing an EU AI Office job with American tech salaries.
I think people tend to underestimate how much lower tech salaries tend to be in EU compared to American standards.
(Of course, things do strongly depend on the location as well, both within the EU and with the US).