Lets see. Perhaps corpsicles will be considered legally dead and thus don’t get any legal rights even if it becomes technically possible to extract the original mind.
In the future there’s lots of interesting experiments which could be done on “real” human minds but it would never get ethics approval. Fortunately there’s some banks of old frozen brain matter not covered by the laws on what can be done with human subjects.
So you do wake up in an experiment which couldn’t ethically be done on “real” legal humans. You suffer horribly and “die” but you wake up again. And again. And again. Duplicated millions of times, your mind treated much like HeLa cells and used in research in much the same way and with as little regard for your internal experience, suffering almost endlessly and being reset back to baseline. Damned to run through every hellish maze and every unpleasant experience that the futures Phd students can think of before they wipe you, tweak the variables and re-run the experiment.
Alternatively, perhaps they are considered legal humans, culpable for past crimes, even things which weren’t crimes at the time.
You awake into a future with very changed morals and very harsh punishments. [Activity which is normal this century] is now viewed as akin to how we view slave-owners or genocidal warlords of the past. Your own memories damn you and are admissible as evidence.You’re put on trial for crimes against Life for, lets say, not being a vegetarian or for steping on countless insects and sentenced to perpetual incarceration in a simulated hell while crowds outside cry for your blood and wave placards like you’d expect if a time traveler plucked Hitler out of our past and brought him to stand trial.
Lets see. Perhaps corpsicles will be considered legally dead and thus don’t get any legal rights even if it becomes technically possible to extract the original mind.
In the future there’s lots of interesting experiments which could be done on “real” human minds but it would never get ethics approval. Fortunately there’s some banks of old frozen brain matter not covered by the laws on what can be done with human subjects.
So you do wake up in an experiment which couldn’t ethically be done on “real” legal humans. You suffer horribly and “die” but you wake up again. And again. And again. Duplicated millions of times, your mind treated much like HeLa cells and used in research in much the same way and with as little regard for your internal experience, suffering almost endlessly and being reset back to baseline. Damned to run through every hellish maze and every unpleasant experience that the futures Phd students can think of before they wipe you, tweak the variables and re-run the experiment.
Alternatively, perhaps they are considered legal humans, culpable for past crimes, even things which weren’t crimes at the time.
You awake into a future with very changed morals and very harsh punishments. [Activity which is normal this century] is now viewed as akin to how we view slave-owners or genocidal warlords of the past. Your own memories damn you and are admissible as evidence.You’re put on trial for crimes against Life for, lets say, not being a vegetarian or for steping on countless insects and sentenced to perpetual incarceration in a simulated hell while crowds outside cry for your blood and wave placards like you’d expect if a time traveler plucked Hitler out of our past and brought him to stand trial.
I’d suggest separating these two scenarios, based on the way the comments are meant to work according to the OP.