I’ve previously expressed that to build a rationalist community sustainable over time, the sort of gender imbalance that appears among e.g. computer programmers, is not a good thing to have.
If by “over time” you mean a time frame in excess of a few decades, I’ll point out that LW-style rationality is a large set of complex memes and that empirically, the best way to transmit such meme complexes is parent-to-child, which tends to work better with a viable breeding population.
(How’s that for objectifying everyone here and all future potential members?)
If by “over time” you mean a time frame in excess of a few decades, I’ll point out that LW-style rationality is a large set of complex memes and that empirically, the best way to transmit such meme complexes is parent-to-child, which tends to work better with a viable breeding population.
(How’s that for objectifying everyone here and all future potential members?)
Works fine as long as it doesn’t objectify a particular gender… is what I think the rule is empirically.