The negative reactions may have to do with the fact that such advice—and indeed, a comment like the above—amounts to accusing half the audience of a very blatant form of hypocrisy. … Yes, lots of people probably don’t tell the truth about what is sexually attractive to them. But if you go around saying “women are such hypocrites”, it’s understandable for a woman hearing this to take it as a personal insult.
An important clarification: it’s not the hypocrisy per se that I object to, but its institutionalization, the massive failure to recognize the unqualification to give advice, and the tremendous benefits accruing to those who are “wise” enough to ignore women. See why that might be objectionable?
Obviously one should exercise extreme caution when making such an accusation, and it had better be backed up with some pretty solid evidence.
Okay. How about my life history, plus that of pretty much everyone joining the PUA crowd or identifying with its message?
An important clarification: it’s not the hypocrisy per se that I object to, but its institutionalization, the massive failure to recognize the unqualification to give advice, and the tremendous benefits accruing to those who are “wise” enough to ignore women. See why that might be objectionable?
Okay. How about my life history, plus that of pretty much everyone joining the PUA crowd or identifying with its message?