Complexity and halting
This is a short math question. Say I have an oracle that computes Kolmogorov complexity. Is there an algorithm that consults this oracle that will determine whether a given Turing machine halts?
- 20 Jun 2011 18:00 UTC; 7 points) 's comment on Science Doesn’t Trust Your Rationality by (
Yes, the two are equivalent. See Chaitin, Arslanov, Calude “Program-size complexity computes the halting problem” (linky).
I’m glad that we’re beginning to have such questions here and not on MathOverflow :-)
Thanks. It’s only a paragraph but it took me a while to understand Chaitin’s argument, for what it’s worth here’s my take:
Let K(n) = complexity of the integer n. For each integer c, let Sigma(c) be the largest number with complexity c—they call this the “information theory busy beaver function” and indeed Sigma(c) dominates the Turing-style busy beaver function: each computer program of length n will halt before Sigma(n) steps, or not at all. (To see this, note that if a program of length n halts in time t, then we can compute t by running our program, giving K(t) < n and t < Sigma(n).) The problem is that it’s not clear whether an oracle for K(n) allows us to compute Sigma(n) -- Chaitin explains how to compute a more complicated function beta(n).
To define beta(n) you do something like this. Write a computer program P that outputs a sequence (x_1,k_1), (x_2,k_2), … with each K(x) ⇐ k and all such pairs occuring. You can do this without using the K-oracle. Eventually P will output (x,K(x)), and we may use our oracle to tell when. In fact we can use our oracle to tell how many steps it takes before (x,K(x)) appears for every n-digit x, call this function beta(n). Claim: beta(n) is a good substitute for Sigma(n), in the sense that if T > beta(n) then K(T) > n; therefore a computer program of length n halts after beta(n) steps or not at all.
The claim is just the observation that if T > beta(n), then the complexity of T is larger than the complexity of a maximally complex n-digit number, because we can run P with the additional instruction “stop after T steps” (maybe with a subroutine of length K(T) to generate T) to get this number. The most complex n-digit number has complexity n, and that’s it.
The Arslane-Calude argument is over my head.
Does anyone know if the following are equivalent:
An oracle that returns the length of the shortest program to return a given string of bits.
An oracle that returns the length of the shortest program to return either the given string of digits or any longer string that begins with the given string.
More specifically, is there an algorithm that computes the latter by consulting the former.
If the answer to this is yes then the answer to the problem in the OP is yes as well.
Downvoted for bothering us with something that is easily looked up.
Not easily. It took me more than an hour. Can you find some other link that gives a clear answer to Sewing-Machine’s question, and how long will it take you?
I guess that was a mistake. Of course, the yes/no answer is easily looked up, for what little that is worth. (Still downvoting OP for not even trying to look it up first. :P )
The OP didn’t say whether he tried to look it up first. For all we know, maybe he spent an hour trying before posting here.
Yes, but if he had, he would have known which way the question is resolved, because unlike the actual solution that is easily findable.