I’m registering the disagreement, and inviting you to sort the issue out for yourself, through reconsidering your position in response to apparent disagreement, or through engaging into a more constructive form of discussion.
This appears to be a one-way street. If applied consistently, it would seem that your first step would be to reconsider your position in response to apparent disagreement… or that I should reply by registering my disagreement—which implicitly I’d have already done.
Or, better yet, you would begin (as other people usually do) by starting the “more constructive form of discussion”, i.e., raising specific objections or asking specific questions to determine where the differences in our maps lie.
This appears to be a one-way street. If applied consistently, it would seem that your first step would be to reconsider your position in response to apparent disagreement… or that I should reply by registering my disagreement—which implicitly I’d have already done.
Or, better yet, you would begin (as other people usually do) by starting the “more constructive form of discussion”, i.e., raising specific objections or asking specific questions to determine where the differences in our maps lie.