Are there any psychoactive gases or aerosols that drive you mad?
I suppose a psychedelic might push someone over the edge if they were sufficiently psychologically fragile. I don’t know of any substances that specifically make people mad, though.
I’m not a psychiatrist. Maybe? It looks like airborne transmission of prions might be possible, and along an unrelated path the box could go the Phineas Gage route.
Alternatively, aerosolized agonium, for adequate values of sufficiently long-lived and finely-tuned agonium.
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Are there any psychoactive gases or aerosols that drive you mad?
I suppose a psychedelic might push someone over the edge if they were sufficiently psychologically fragile. I don’t know of any substances that specifically make people mad, though.
I’m not a psychiatrist. Maybe? It looks like airborne transmission of prions might be possible, and along an unrelated path the box could go the Phineas Gage route.
Alternatively, aerosolized agonium, for adequate values of sufficiently long-lived and finely-tuned agonium.