Yeah, that’s one argument for tradition: it’s simply not the pit of misery that its detractors claim it to be. But for parenting in particular, I think I can give an even stronger argument. Children aren’t little seeds of goodness that just need to be set free. They are more like little seeds of anything. If you won’t shape their values, there’s no shortage of other forces in the world that would love to shape your children’s values, without having their interests at heart.
Children aren’t little seeds of goodness that just need to be set free. They are more like little seeds of anything
Toddlers, yes. If we’re talking about people over the age of say, 8, then it becomes less true. By the time they are a teen, it becomes pretty false. And yet people still say that legal separation at 18 is good.
If you are merely making the argument that we should limit their exposure to things that could influence them in harmful directions, then I’d argue that this never stops being a powerful force, including for people well into adulthood and in old age.
Huh? Most 8 year olds can’t even make themselves study instead of playing Fortnite, and certainly don’t understand the issues with unplanned pregnancies. I’d say 16-18 is about the right age where people can start relying on internal structure instead of external. Many take even longer, and need to join the army or something.
Yeah, that’s one argument for tradition: it’s simply not the pit of misery that its detractors claim it to be. But for parenting in particular, I think I can give an even stronger argument. Children aren’t little seeds of goodness that just need to be set free. They are more like little seeds of anything. If you won’t shape their values, there’s no shortage of other forces in the world that would love to shape your children’s values, without having their interests at heart.
Toddlers, yes. If we’re talking about people over the age of say, 8, then it becomes less true. By the time they are a teen, it becomes pretty false. And yet people still say that legal separation at 18 is good.
If you are merely making the argument that we should limit their exposure to things that could influence them in harmful directions, then I’d argue that this never stops being a powerful force, including for people well into adulthood and in old age.
Huh? Most 8 year olds can’t even make themselves study instead of playing Fortnite, and certainly don’t understand the issues with unplanned pregnancies. I’d say 16-18 is about the right age where people can start relying on internal structure instead of external. Many take even longer, and need to join the army or something.